Welcome to my website

Welcome to our site dedicated to people from Michigan. On this site I will write everything related to your rights when it comes to an undesired occasion such are auto and truck accidents. Whether it happens by yours or someone’s others negligence, there are things you should know about the rights you have by the Michigan No-Fault law. In this site I will try to explain all those rights and offer you all information regarding this topic.


Michigan is one of thirteen states, including Alaska, bordering with Canada. A large amount of traffic happens on the roads of Michigan and because of this important international direction, this state does have higher amounts of accidents. People of Michigan should know what are their rights and how to act in case of accident happen to them. This is the number one reason why I decided to make site about this topic, since there are dozens of those in Michigan who are not well informed and doesn’t know how to act in case it happens to them.

Visitor's notice

I hope this site will provide you with the knowledge and information so you can better understand your rights. If you like what I am doing here, and I am doing it for you, share this blog with your friends, because you never know when some of them will be in need for this type of information.